Explorer Program
Entering Grades 2-3 (7-8 years old)

The Explorer program provides campers with a wide and balanced array of activities, each led by a certified educator or specialist.

The Explorer Program allows young Explorers to sample many new activities! From Origami to Digital Music to Forest School, campers will broaden their horizons over two weeks, taking the time to practice and get familiar with their new skills.

Explorers will be guided through the day by a trained Counsellor who animates and supervises their downtimes. This allows campers to get to know each other better and create meaningful relationships, as well as go at their own pace in a less structured environment.

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Daily Schedule

The Explorer’s day is divided into four separate periods, punctuated by recreation and social time breaks. Explorer activities from recent years include: Digital Music, Animation, Photography, Robotics, Woodworking, Comics and Forest School.

During lunch, Explorers will take a trip to Trenholme Park and will on occasion escape the heat by visiting a nearby splash pad. Bathing suits and towels are not required every day; a message will be sent to you by your child’s Counsellor.

The Explorers are outside for a minimum of two hours, with an hour and a half for lunch and two fifteen-minute recesses throughout the day. Some of the activities, such as Forest School, will take place mostly outside (La Falaise Saint-Jacques), so the campers have the chance to enjoy the summer sunshine! Please remember to pack a sun hat, water bottle and sunscreen (and insect repellent if needed), as well as comfortable walking or running shoes.

No, Explorer campers do not get to choose their own schedule. The Explorer schedules are designed to give campers a chance to experience a wide and balanced array of activities and introduce them to interests they might not have had an opportunity to explore just yet!