Summer Camp for kids and teenagers
Enriching and fun activities for curious campers

About Explorations Camp

Over 40 years of Summer Camp fun!

Explorations provides enriching experiences and camps that allow learners to discover talents and interests beyond traditional classroom boundaries.

For over 40 years, Explorations has been home to extraordinary learning experiences for children and teens in Montreal. Our team of expert educators works to design exciting new activities, challenging projects and innovative approaches to learning.

Though founded as a Summer Camp, Explorations now offers year-round programming and camps at its Learning Lab on Somerled in NDG.

Try Fashion Design at Explorations Camp - Use real sewing machines at Summer Camp

A one-of-a-kind Summer Camp for kids and teens!

Summer Camp in July

Explorations offers two-week-long Summer Camp sessions in July for campers entering kindergarten to Cégep (ages 5-18).

We offer a wide range of Arts, Engineering, Tech and Social Development activities for all ages.

Our instructors are committed to offering fun, enriching and challenging activities that will allow campers to develop new skills.

Summer Camp in August

In August, we offer smaller  Summer Camp sessions at the Learning Lab.

The Camp sessions will run for one week each and focus on specific topics, so they can dive deep into learning a particular subject and produce epic projects. Campers still have a variety of activities throughout each week and take breaks for exercise outdoors.

2025 Camp topics:

Design Video Games at Explorations Camp - Campers working on their Video Games from Summer Camp

Our Camps and Programs

More than just a Summer Camp!

Summer Camp

For over 40 years, Explorations Summer Camp has offered fun, challenging and enriching experiences to campers of all ages in Montreal.

Weekend Activities

Discover our year-round programming including Arts, Engineering Tech and Social Development activities on Sundays for children and teens.

Winter/Spring Break Camps

Explorations offers full weeks of enriching and fun activities during Winter and Spring Breaks. There is still time to enrol for one of our Camps!

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